
The intent of the property is to make Pecoranera a special place, where in addition to staying overnight and tasting local products, you can spend time away from the frenzy of everyday life, in a context of quiet and relaxation. At the same time providing the tools, environments and organizational know-how to those who wish to carry out sporting, recreational and cultural activities.

The annex, which is located on a lower level than the main house, is made up of three bedrooms with bathroom and walk-in closet and a shared kitchen, which directly overlook the infinity pool facing the valley to the south. The panorama that can be enjoyed from this area changes in every season and time of day, while retaining an enchantment and magic that captivates guests. The search for a stay immersed in the colors and sounds of nature, which prefers silence to the noise of crowded urban environments and the owner’s awareness that a similar state must necessarily be shared with a few people, led to the choice to develop a project reserved for a limited number of guests at the same time. The swimming pool is for the exclusive use of those staying overnight so that guests can enjoy the services and environment of Pecoranera in a private manner.

Sporting events related to dog training, recreational activities and cultural events are planned in the appropriate seasons.

In this regard, we remember the yoga lessons and meditation under the oak tree, but also by the pool or in the vegetable garden-orchard; picnics, listening to live music and philosophy and poetry lessons that were held in the past with a group of friends in the shade of the olive trees.

The dog activities will be carried out in collaboration with the Stardog Village centre, which intends to carry out various stages on site during the summer; while the involvement of competent co-therapists in the field of zootherapy allows the presence of other animals to be exploited for pet-therapy and onotherapy programs for fragile subjects such as children and disabled people.

The desire is to reserve the structure, on some days of the year, for collaboration with associations that deal with people with social disadvantages, so that they can find in Pecoranera the ideal context to spend a day dedicated just to them.

What at first might seem like self-limitation (i.e. the choice to grant entry only to a limited number of people, the exclusive use of the swimming pool, sauna and fitness area) is in reality the strong point of the project which is based on an entrepreneurial philosophy far from the concept of mass tourism and which aims at a rather limited target of customers.

A peculiar kind of tourism linked to profound approaches towards the place where you stay and the people with whom you find yourself sharing space and free time. A conscious, holistic tourism, in which the discovery of places is combined with greater awareness of oneself and the world. This is why the idea is to make available to the guests of Pecoranera, in addition to an environment immersed in nature and with the best comforts, also useful services for those who want to achieve a healthy, relaxed, serene psychophysical state through body care and lies and why not, even having fun. A concept of “feeling good” seen with a more attentive and sensitive eye.

A Japanese study found that blood pressure and cortisol (the stress hormone) levels are lower in people when they walk outdoors. And in Pecoranera, we are truly immersed in the greenery!

Bertinoro has a strong link with the world of two wheels: in addition to being a daily destination for amateurs and cycle tourists who travel the roads and paths of the hill, since 1971 the town has been the scene of the first climb of the “Granfondo Nove Colli” which starts every year and it ends in Cesenatico, linking not only Bertinoro but also the hills of the pre-Apennines of Cesena.

The Nove Colli attracts cyclists from all over Italy but also from abroad. They share their route with those from Romagna who frequent Bertinoro every weekend on their traditional or electric bikes.

Among the events that we organize or would like to integrate with wellness activities, there are also:

  • days dedicated to sensorial and olfactory journeys: the traditional harvest of lavender flowers at the end of June together with the traditional harvest of flowers, plants and herbs for the San Giovanni water ritual on 23 and 34 June;
  • tasting of self-produced oil (ORGOLIO di Pecoranera);
  • aperitifs by the pool or in the purely agricultural context of the vineyard and olive trees (agri-cocktails);
  • tea tasting evenings to the sound of Tibetan bells;
  • evenings of music and themed food (Brazilian dinner, sushi dinner, etc.) in collaboration with companies and associations in the area, which also include the possibility of tasting local wines paired with more exotic cuisine.
  • event evenings, already successfully tested in recent summers, such as the observation and discovery of the starry sky through a telescope made available by a group of local amateur astronomers;
  • evenings entitled “Cinema on the grass”, in which guests lying on mats on the lawn, with cushions and plaids, can enjoy a good film projected on a large screen in the house’s yard, perhaps preceded by a tasting of products or wines locals. The previous editions were reserved only for a group of friends of the owners (the first film screened was “Amarcord” by Federico Fellini) but with the opening of the farmhouse, access to these “film clubs under the stars” would also be extended to the guests of the farm itself;sarebbe esteso anche agli ospiti dell’agriturismo stesso;
  • reading evenings, appropriately prepared also from a technical point of view with the use of lights and adequate amplification, with the presence of actors who bring to life with their voices, the popular tales and poems of authors linked to Romagna (Aldo Spallicci, Raffaello Baldini, Tonino Guerra…)

The presence of an old olive grove and the future entry into production of the 300 olive trees planted in 2020 can be used for a self-harvesting project, but also for “adoption” initiatives that involve involving people who adopt an olive tree. olive tree, to follow its growth, to take care of the harvest and see its production, up to tasting the oil produced. At the moment our oil is not for sale.

Among the strong points of the Pecoranera project are Massimiliano and Omar.

The first works in the fields of advertising, entertainment and radio-television and has a rather extensive background in the world of communication, a network of contacts and friends who certainly appreciate the peculiarities of the project and who can act as a sounding board in the segment specific tourist to which the structure is aimed, without relying solely on mass communication channels (booking, Airbnb, etc.) or social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc..) within which Pecoranera is still present.

The second is a veterinary doctor specialized in behavioral medicine, a dog agility coach recognized throughout Italy and abroad, where he is in great demand for dog training seminars and internships which in the near future he could also develop within the company, combining thus the educational courses that concern the dog sector to the prerogatives and opportunities that agritourism offers. In this sense, Omar Babini’s competence and experience in the field of pet therapy, the presence of animals (donkeys, goats, dogs, chickens, etc.) and the involvement of other specific professional figures, opens up a series of opportunities of a social nature to organize days dedicated to the most socially vulnerable people.